Contingent is a strategy RPG adventure game from Dark Age Studios. It is set in late Roman Britannia. The game focuses on gritty skill based combat combined with mass AI warfare. Lay siege to fortifications, capture settlements and villages, and pillage supply lines in intense strategical combat.

Use your martial prowess to defeat your foes in skill-based combat, command your forces to raid villages, seize strongholds and ambush your opposition. Your units will fight as an intelligent squad, communicating with one another to defeat your opponent. The more skill a squad gains, the more intelligent their behaviour will be.
Use a variety of weapons to defeat your enemies. Wield a wide variety of weapons, including warhammers, spears, sword, bow, throwing axes and more. Gold can be spent to upgrade your character in each match, from simple tunics and shoddy swords to great swords and rare, expensive Roman lorica segmentata. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.