Stellaris: MegaCorp is a DLC for Stellaris, which is a Sci-fi strategy simulation game from Paradox Development Studio. The game has players ushering in an era of prosperity and profit on a galactic scale. In this economy-focused expansion, players can become the CEO of a powerful corporate empire to expand operations across the stars.
CEO of a MegaCorp can conduct business on a galaxy-wide scale with a host of new civics. By building Branch Offices on planets within empires they have trade agreements with, the MegaCorp can add a portion of the planet’s Trade Value to their own network. Using the new Corporate Authority, construct an economic powerhouse and dominate galactic trade for a brighter future.
Buy and sell pops on an industrial scale, set them free or keep them as livestock. Keep your economy competitive in a cutthroat galaxy with additional Ascension perks. The game features 3 additional advisors and 4 music tracks to help you conquer the Galaxy. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Stellaris: MegaCorp Walkthrough Part 1 – Spreading the Holy Gospel:
Stellaris: MegaCorp Walkthrough Part 2 – Time Loop:
Stellaris: MegaCorp Walkthrough Part 3 – New Neighbors:
Stellaris: MegaCorp Walkthrough Part 4 – The Offworld Colonies:
Stellaris: MegaCorp Walkthrough Part 5 – Creating a Subsidiary: