Veil of Crows is a sandbox style real-time strategy game from Kerry Fawdray, set in a chaotic medieval world. From violent, and overtly bloody battles, to completely destructible castles, RPG style hero development, and meaningful interactions with other factions. Trade, extort, and conquer.
The world of Veil of Crows remains persistent after you die, so your impact will have a lasting effect on the world even after you fail, or start over. Command large armies in gratuitous bloody conflict. Besiege mighty castles with siege engines. Take advantage of destructible buildings and walls. Every type of unit has strengths and weaknesses. Take heed of the current weather, geography and battle conditions.
Complete quests for other lords and village leaders for bounty and improving relations. Take your time to explore the world, or take your chances with random encounters. Hunt down the bandits who raided your village for resources and prisoners, or destroy their camps to prevent further intrusion. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Veil of Crows Walkthrough Part 11 – Attack on Svarja Last Stronghold:
Veil of Crows Walkthrough Part 12 – Finishing off the Skundal and Svarja:
Veil of Crows Walkthrough Part 13 – King in the North Building: