A Winter’s Daydream is an awesome anime visual novel game from ebi-hime. A boy returns to his countryside home after spending half a year in the city, only to discover why his elderly grandmother has transformed into a cute young girl.
Nineteen-year-old Yuu can’t stand his younger sister, Otoko, and the feeling is mutual. It’s been almost a year since Yuu saw her last, having escaped his dreary home town to study in the bustling city, but with the advent of New Year’s he finds himself obliged to return to his family to celebrate.
Finding the atmosphere at home unbearable, Yuu decides to escape once more, not to the city this time, but to his grandmother’s snowy, secluded village. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
A Winter’s Daydream Walkthrough Part 1:
A Winter’s Daydream Walkthrough Part 2: