Airplane element can be used to combine Dragon, Drone, Hangar, Helicopter, Paper Airplane, Parachute, Seaplane, Spaceship, and UFO in Little Alchemy 2. There are lots of ways to make Airplane, and it…
Tag: Little Alchemy 2
How to make Corpse in Little Alchemy 2
Corpse element can be used to combine Bone, Charcoal, Coffin, Death, Fossil, Frankensteins Monster, Grave, Mummy, Organic Matter, Skeleton, Vulture, and Zombie in Little Alchemy 2. There are several ways to make…
How to make Armor in Little Alchemy 2
Armor is an advanced element in Little Alchemy 2, and it can be used to combine Armadillo, Bulletproof Vest, Knight, Robot, Safety Glasses, and Tank. Making Armor is a very complicated process,…
How to make Fabric in Little Alchemy 2
Fabric element can be used to combine Armor, Bandage, Mummy, Parachute, Sailboat, Smoke Signal, Tent, and Umbrella in Little Alchemy 2. Making Fabric is a complicated process, you have to make Life,…
How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2
Thread element can be used to combine Candle, Cashmere, Fabric, Needle, Rope, and Sewing Machine in Little Alchemy 2. Since Thread is made from Cotton, it will be very easy to make…
How to make Cotton in Little Alchemy 2
Cotton element is not used often in Little Alchemy 2, but it is needed to combine Thread, which is necessary for Fabric and Armor. Making Cotton is not easy, you have to…
How to make Bullet in Little Alchemy 2
Bullet element can be used to combine Arrow, Bulletproof Vest, Corpse, and Gun in Little Alchemy 2. Making Bullet is not very complicated, at least you need to make Gunpowser and Human…
How to make Gunpowder in Little Alchemy 2
Gunpowder element can be used to combine Bullet, Cannopn, Dynamite, Explosion, Grenade, and Gun in Little Alchemy 2. Making Gunpowder is easy, and we have figured out two ways to make Gunpowser,…
How to make Mouse in Little Alchemy 2
Mouse element can be used to combine Bat, Computer Mouse, Hamster, Mousetrap, Rat, and Squirrel in Little Alchemy 2. The process of making Mouse is not easy, but we have figured out…
How to make Pressure in Little Alchemy 2
Pressure element can be used to combine Black Hole, Boiler, Butter, Coal, Diamond, Eruption, Explosion, Granite, Juice, Paper, Stone, Volcano, and more in Little Alchemy 2. Making Pressure may be the simplest…