Rainbow is a magical element in Little Alchemy 2, it can be used to combine Butterfly, Chameleon, Crayon, Flower, Gold, Magic, Paint, Prism, Sprinkles, Toucan, Unicorn, and Wizard. The process of making…
Tag: Little Alchemy 2 Walkthrough
How to Make Wizard in Little Alchemy 2
Wizard is an advanced element in Little Alchemy 2, and it can be used to combine Crystal Ball, Faun, Owl, Wand, and Witch. Making Wizard is not easy, you have to make…
How to Make Blood in Little Alchemy 2
Blood element can be used to combine Bandage, Blood Bag, Lion, Piranha, Shark, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Vampire, and Wolf. Making Blood is a complicated process, and we have figured out the easiest way…
How to make Ring in Little Alchemy 2
Ring is an advanced element in Little Alchemy 2, and it can be used to combine Saturn and The One Ring. There are several ways to make Ring, and we have figured…
How to Make Mountain in Little Alchemy 2
Mountain element is very important in Little Alchemy 2, and it is often used to combine Avalanche, Cold, Goat, Hill, Map, Mountain Goat, Mountain Range, Pyramid, Tunnel, Valcano, and Waterfall. There are…
How to Make Hospital in Little Alchemy 2
Hospital element is closely associated with health and it is very important in Little Alchemy 2, it can be used to combine Ambulance, Doctor, Penicillin, Ruins, Scalpel, and Stethoscope. Making Hospital is…
How to Make Boat in Little Alchemy 2
Boat element is often used in Little Alchemy 2, and it can be used to combine Airplane, Grim Reaper, Pirate Ship, Rocket, Rope, Sailboat, Sailor, Seasickness, Steamboat, and Titanic. Making Boat is…
How to Make Spaceship in Little Alchemy 2
Spaceship element can be used to combine Astronaut, Hangar, Tardis, and UFO in Little Alchemy 2. Making Spaceship is a complicated process, you have to make Space, Life, Human, Tool first. We…
How to Make Tardis in Little Alchemy 2
Tardis is the final element in Little Alchemy 2, it is a fictional time machine and spacecraft. Making Tardis is not too complicated, you could combine Time and Space to get Tardis….
How to make Knight in Little Alchemy 2
Knight is an advanced element in Little Alchemy 2, and it could be used to combine Castle, Don Quixote, Fairy Tale, Hero, and Jedi. Making Knight is a complicated process, we have…