Deca is a unique horror survival adventure game set inside the psychiatric hospital Deca in the year 1960. The protagonist wakes up quite disoriented, bloody, on a stretcher, unable to remember what she does there. She can see numerous corpses lying on the floor, messy objects and she hears noises. From that moment, she must react and have to flee fast.
She should explore the hospital for an escape. In the long journey through the different rooms, she is finding clues that are revealing information about what has happened there. Everything will be important because it will provide you with enough information to know the dark secret that is hidden there.
You will have to go little by little investigating it to be able to unveil the secrets hidden by the psychiatric Deca. You will have to be very clever to be able to escape from your persecutors. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Deca Walkthrough Part 1:
Deca Walkthrough Part 2: