Dauntless is a new science fiction role-playing game developed by Phoenix Labs. Players take on the role of elite warriors known as Slayers who protect humanity by hunting ferocious Behemoths. The world of Dauntless has been shattered by a cataclysmic event, creating a vast array of uncharted and majestic floating islands. Behemoths, as cunning as they are vicious, consume the land, and it’s up to the Slayers to hunt them down before they destroy what remains of the world. Slayers will explore an ever-changing frontier, brimming with verdant flora and unique wildlife.
In Dauntless, Slayers can go at it alone or join co-op parties with up to four people to take on the Behemoth threat. No two encounters will be alike; each brings its own unique challenges and rewards. To survive on the Shattered Isles, players collect rewards from their hunts to upgrade their arsenal of weapons and armor in a crafting system. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Dauntless Walkthrough Part 1:
Dauntless Walkthrough Part 2:
Dauntless Walkthrough Part 3:
Dauntless Walkthrough Part 4:
Dauntless Walkthrough Part 5: