The Watchmaker is an action adventure game developed by Micropsia Games. It is set in a strange steampunk world of giant clock mechanisms, where time has gone mad. Join Alexander, a clock tower keeper, on his quest to restore time to its natural rhythm.
You will take on the role of Alexander, your routine involves repairing his precious clock tower every day. With the clock not working properly, time has gone mad. Guided by the mysterious voice and armed with a magnetic glove and the ability to control time, he must search the halls and arcades of the tower in search of the saboteur.
Various obstacles, enemies and riddles buried in the clock’s intricate mechanisms stand in your way. You must push on to save the clock and restore time to its natural rhythm, all while gradually uncovering the mysteries of the tower and its even stranger past.
The game is set in 5 extensive locations. There are environmental puzzles to be solved using magnetic gloves and the ability to control time. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.