Noel The Mortal Fate S1-7 is an awesome story driven anime adventure game developed by Vaka Game Magazine, KANAWO. It is a story about the revenge of a girl who lost her arms and legs to a devil.
Noel Cerquetti is a girl who lost her arms and legs. She makes a contract and works together with the great devil Caron to complete her revenge against one man named Burrows. Why is this girl furiously seeking revenge against this unrivalled man, loved by the people for bringing peace to LaPlace that was once overrun by the mafia?
While unsteady without her limbs, Noel doesn’t give up on her path to revenge. And Caron watches mercilessly, but at times risking his life to support her. With vengeance, the pair begin their chase against Burrows. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Noel The Mortal Fate S1-7 Walkthrough Part 1:
Noel The Mortal Fate S1-7 Walkthrough Part 2:
Noel The Mortal Fate S1-7 Walkthrough Part 3: