Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a tactical adventure game developed by The Bearded Ladies. It combines the turn-based combat of XCOM with story, exploration, stealth, and strategy. You take control of a team of Mutants navigating a post-human Earth. The humans are all gone. Scavenging through the remains of civilization are the Mutants, deformed humanoids and animals alike, searching for salvation or just something to eat. To survive, you and your companions must venture out to explore the Zone.
Journey through a post-human world of abandoned cities, crumbling highways, and overgrown countryside. Check back at the Ark, a neon-bathed oasis of ill repute and questionable characters, to restock your supplies and plan out your next adventure.
Unlock new mutations and abilities for your Mutants, such as Selma’s Stoneskin, Bormin’s Charge, and Dux uncanny ability to sneak into a camp full of enemies unnoticed. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.