Distortions is a story-driven musical journey through an unknown, imaginary world by Among Giants. A girl wakes up in an unknown and imaginary place where her past seems to have a physical presence and is made from echoes of distorted memories. The Distortions World is a place of unparalleled beauty filled with mountains, caves, and rivers. It’s a place where old friends still wonder, and where time seems to have stopped in face of an imminent collapse. While she recovers her identity by reminiscing with the help of a strange masked man, she must decide what to leave behind to move on with her life.
She must face the mysterious creatures that inhabit this puzzling world while solving the journal’s riddles. With the journal to show her the way, and the violin to open her path, the Girl embarks on a journey to her past – finding the memories that open the door to her future and discovering the enigma of existing in that place.
Experience a compelling story of perseverance, mystery, and memory. Learn to use 5 unique abilities to tame or control fearsome creatures. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.