Dungeon Survivor II is the official sequel of classic popular adventure game Dungeon Survivor, which is a simulation and dungeon adventure game by Leiting Games. This time, you will lead your daring mission to the no-man’s land, have an unexpected fantasy adventure in the ancient and mysterious continent.
Be the Ruler of the Sanctuary, the eschatological Manor, guide your people and warriors to fight against the fallen Country.You need to gather little, helpless and pathetic humans together to battle against the Black Tide. Every decision you make is of vital importance.
There are 6 main Classes with more than 50 sub-classes, each with unique personality. The world is always full of accidents and surprises, such as vicious creatures, quirky traps, and weird strangers. You have to find the powerful Monster and beat them up.
Marching on the Lost Castle and unlock the Arena. Place and gain resources every time you enter the game. Wit and adroit like you, even with limited resources, can definitely build up a prosperous Manor. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.