Abi: A Robot’s Tale is a unique game by Lilith Games. One day in the distant future, the obsolete household robot Abi finds the hibernating industrial robot DD, and together they escape the warehouse in which they have been locked away. Once they get out, they discover that humans have mysteriously disappeared from the earth. You have to help Abi and DD find out where the humans go.
The game features stunning artwork and musical score by well-known composer. Switch between the two main characters and unlock the secrets of this intriguing world by solving puzzles. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough for the game.
Abi: A Robot’s Tale Walkthrough Chapters 1 Two Friends and Chapter 2 Bronzeberg:
Abi: A Robot’s Tale Walkthrough Chapter 3 Jamie:
Abi: A Robot’s Tale Walkthrough Chapter 4 Departure: