Leanna’s Slice of Life is an awesome anime visual novel developed by Acerola. In a world where demons exist, Kain and Leanna live in a relatively peaceful village. The two eventually get married. However, due to the incessant demon attacks, Kain becomes careless and falls into a lot of debt. It’ll be up to Leanna to help pay off Kain’s debts.
Kain is a natural-born fighter who hunts demons around their village. Leanna is an innocent and kind-hearted young girl, but also kind of a bumbling idiot. The two eventually marry each other, capturing the envy of the entire village. As they prepare to start their happy life together, something happens.
That night, the village is attacked by demons. Kain quickly grabbed his weapons and set out to defeat the invaders. However, he is careless and leaves himself open for an attack, only for a traveler to dive in and take the blow for him. Kain has a doctor treat the traveler, promising him that he’ll pay later. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.