Under One Wing is a visual novel adventure game developed by Harmorise. Fairy Fight is a large-scale dogfight, utilizing the finest warplanes the world has ever known. Sasaki Junichi is the grandson of a legendary FF Pilot. He arrives at the student dormitory of a legendary FF academy known as Shouou Academy, only to find every other tenant is a woman.
Hirosawa Hikari is drop-dead gorgeous. She also happens to be the world’s cutest encyclopedia of useless plane knowledge. Jinno Nahoko is the sophisticated student council president with a handle on everything that happens around the school. Matsumoto Mimari is the mystery girl who paid for an entire plane in a single payment on her card.
All of these team and decide to compete in a Fairy Fight. A crazy summer in the wide blue yonder is right at your fingertips. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Under One Wing Walkthrough Part 11:
Under One Wing Walkthrough Part 12:
Under One Wing Walkthrough Part 13:
Under One Wing Walkthrough Part 14:
Under One Wing Walkthrough Part 15: