God Wars The Complete Legend is a tactical RPG developed by Kadokawa Games, explores the untold history of Japan through folklore and tactical combat. Your objective is to discover the secret pasts and ultimate destinies of Kaguya and her friends inside the Labyrinth of Yomi.
In addition to the main story, “Future Past” and the additional stories, “The Future of Hyuga” and “New Enemies,” “The Labyrinth of Yomi” features a never-before-told story that reveals the past and ultimate destinies of Kaguya and her friends. It also features multiple endings, based on the player’s actions. You must face a malicious enemy at the end of the dungeon, and the “true ending” reveals the fates of the three sisters.
The game features five new playable characters expand your tactical options. Momotaro and his loyal servants Inu, Saru, and Kiji, who previously appeared as rivals, are now playable. There is also an additional character who is making her debut, the young maiden Orihime, who supports Kaguya and her friends on their journey. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
God Wars The Complete Legend Walkthrough Chapter 1 Episode 1 to 4:
God Wars The Complete Legend Walkthrough Chapter 1 Episode 5 to 6: