ShinNaZuki-Hatsune Miku Collab is a unique Japanese anime card game by Yu Weixian. The chapter story line takes you to experience multiple worlds, and the million-word story takes you to explore the grand world view. Background music is carefully produced by Japanese music master Hitoshi Sakimoto, whose masterpiece is “Final Fantasy Ⅻ”.
Mikimoto Haruhiko, Nekonabe Ao carefully drawn the characters, hundreds of painted characters can visually feel strong personality shaping.Unique and stunning picture not only can make pictorial book, but also give the player a huge sense of imagination. Character expressions are vivid and varied, and a variety of styles are free to match.
The game features more than 40 kinds of character combinations, Warriors, Archer, Assassins, Mages, Cleric, the five major occupations, completely non-repetitive character characteristics and skill effects. It also features brain-burning tactics such as back-attacks, combos and positions to break the enemy one by one. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.