Anamorphine is a surreal adventure of rendered emotions by Artifact 5. Explore the past as you resolve the present. Journey into the mind of the main character, a young man in denial. His subconscious is pushing him to face his past or be consumed by it.
Tyler, a young man in post-traumatic denial, revisits a succession of milestones that define his relationship with his wife Elena, who falls victim to an accident that robs her of her livelihood and emotional outlet. Tyler’s mental turmoil warps his past as he struggles to come to terms with his guilt and inability to help Elena when she quietly slips into depression.
Told with no dialogue or action button, Anamorphine’s narrative comes together through Tyler’s dream-like memories, contorting and bleeding into each other with his mental state. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Anamorphine Walkthrough Part 1:
Anamorphine Walkthrough Part 2: