Circle Empires is a fresh take on the RTS genre by Luminous, featuring a fast-paced approach to conquering the world. The Circle Empires universe is made of interconnected circles, each containing loot to plunder and foes to defeat. You are the god-like leader of your tiny kingdom, hungry for power. Use your skills to hunt down increasingly powerful enemies and expand your empire.
The game features over 150 different creatures, buildings, and resources. There are 18 different faction leaders, a variety of bonuses, and 12 enemy boss monsters. If you get stuck in the game, check out the video walkthrough and gameplay for the game.
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 1 – Massive Boss Hunt:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 2 – The Impossible Successful Boss Hunt:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 3 – Massive Axe Thrower Army:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 4 – Hardest Map Ever:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 5 – Getting It All:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 6 – 1Vs3 Hardest Ais:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 7 – Hard To Kill:
Circle Empires Walkthrough Part 8 – Divide And Conquer: